House Tsukiyomi



Crescent Hymn Hospital

The House

Will always provide...

House Tsukiyomi is an older name that originates from Doma. In a time before the war with Garlemald at the start of its aggressive posturing, Katsuo Tsukiyomi, then head of family took his wife Yua and their newborn twin sons Hayato and Naoki and fled to Ul’dah where the family quickly situated into the merchant ranks of the desert nation.It was not until Hayato was a young adult that he met his bride Aralise, she was the firstborn daughter to a minor noble house of Ishgard. She seemed kind, if not a bit vain but the vanity was something he was willing to overlook for all the good she put into his life and soon after the two were wed.Keigo and Emi were born, twins like their father before them and for a while things seemed calm, until Emi was revealed to be sickly and poor of heart and the generosity of her mother vanished towards the girl. In time this grew into hatred and Emi was left to fend for herself, forming her own house under a sponsorship from Fortemps but in recent days sees the direct support of Durendaire instead.

The Hospital

a silver liining in the dark...

An old Ishgardian manor purchased by her father was gifted to Emi to help her efforts in Ishgard. The manor was in good condition but Emi had other ideas for it and took to the first of her charity works in taking craftsmen from the Brume to see the work done. She hired the impoverished and fed their families while they worked.There was little delay in the construction of the hospital and it has since opened its doors to further the charitable efforts Emi wishes to provide for all of Ishgard under the watchful gaze of House Durendaire.The Crescent Hymn Hospital is a free clinic ran and managed by House Tsukiyomi, all care and procedures are done on the coin of the Tsukiyomi Spice company, an extension of House Tsukiyomi native to Ul'dah, or through charitable donations from outside sources.


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The Crying MartyrA shy, quiet woman born to a privileged life who believes that it's her duty as a more fortunate soul to assist those less so by any means necessary.As such she often toils from morning till evening or well into the next rising sun to see that those within her care are afforded the absolute best effort she might provide, much to the worry of those around her given the failings of her health.

The Small GuardianA gift from a departed friend, Gilbert was entrusted to the frail woman with no small share of his own troubles and problematic behaviors, but he was was in all regards loving and the two quickly formed a lasting bond.Gilbert now functions as Emi's service animal given her disabled state but also a means of comfort for those within the clinic that find the need for his presence. Bribery is accepted in the form of meat or head pats.

Ser Gilbert


Commander of House Tsukiyomi's KnightsBoasting an unusually tall stature the man looms like a shadow behind the lady. While its publicly known that Katsu hails from none other nation than Garlemald and while only few can really tell the reasoning the man holds loyally to Emi, none find themselves brave enough to question it openly.In all the viera houses a potent charismatic charm and a measured reach should one find themselves opposed.

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Contact Emi Tsukiyomi of Balmung